This is an absolutely useful application to search out Bank-wise lists of IFSC-MICR with all the bank-branches details in India. It's simple to notice the full bank details of any branch like Branch code, IFSC code, MICR code, Branch address, and Branch Contact Number set in any State/District of India.
What is an IFSC Code??
The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) Code and represents a unique 11-digit alphanumeric code assigned by the Reserve Bank of India. It is used for online fund transferring money through National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) & Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) transactions can be sent and received from one bank account to another bank account directly anytime from anyplace.
What is MICR Code??
The Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) code is a 9-digit alphanumeric code that recognizes the bank and branch involved in an Electronic Clearing System (ECS) unambiguously. The first three digits the city code, the next three digits the bank code, and the last three digits about the branch code.
Every day many thousands of individuals would like the Bank IFSC codes that are important for bank money transfers. By using the All Bank IFSC app, you will able to share or add to favorites the searched bank details. You can easily share bank details on all social media platforms.
This App is absolutely useful. You’ll get all the information in this app. You can realize the best solution for your banking wants in only a few clicks. All this data is at your fingertips after you require it.
Here are some aspects of the PSU bank merger:
Bank Of Baroda = Dena Bank + Vijaya Bank
Punjab National Bank = Oriental Bank of Commerce + United Bank of India
Canara Bank = Syndicate Bank
Features Of This App:-
Work Online and Offline both Platforms.
Search IFSC of all banks in India
Search MICR of all banks in India
Search all branches for all bank
Search by Bank Name
Search State
Search District
Search Branch Name
Save your favorite IFSC details
One-click to call branch number
You can add a bank to favorites
You can easily share social media.
100% Free Application and No Ads
App shows over 250+ bank details Some Banks Names Are
State Bank Of India(SBI) ifsc code
Bank Of Baroda ifsc code
Bank Of India ifsc code
HDFC Bank ifsc code
ICICI Bank ifsc code
Punjab National Bank ifsc code
Canara Bank ifsc code
CITI Bank ifsc code
Yes Bank ifsc code
Bharatiya Mahila Bank ifsc code
City Union Bank ifsc code
Union Bank ifsc code
Indian Bank ifsc code
Andhra Bank ifsc code
Allahabad Bank ifsc code
Bank Of Maharashtra ifsc code
Bandhan Bank ifsc code
Corporation Bank ifsc code
Central Bank Of India ifsc code
Federal bank ifsc code
Indian Overseas Bank ifsc code
IDBI Bank ifsc code
HSBC Bank ifsc code
Kalupur Commercial Co-Operative ifsc code
INDUSIND Bank ifsc code
Kotak Mahindra Bank ifsc code
Oriental Bank Of Commerce ifsc code
Reserve Bank Of india(RBI) ifsc code
UCO Bank ifsc code
United Bank Of India ifsc code
And Many More Banks In India.