Gujarati News by Divya Bhaskar

Gujarati News by Divya Bhaskar

Get Latest Gujarati News, ePaper and Videos from your city. Made in India App.

India’s #1 Newspaper Group “Dainik Bhaskar” brings to you their Made in India app for the latest Gujarati news, Gujarati ePaper & Video News from your city and town.

We have extensive coverage of 300+ cities across Gujarat.

We are your one-stop solution for trusted high-quality journalism for all news from your village, town, or city, in real-time. Our team of 3000+ journalists has only one objective, ensuring you don’t miss the news that matters the most - local news from your city.

Get the best Ad-free Gujarati news experience so that there are no breaks in your news. Our in-depth reporting brings to you the truth behind events and happening and adds knowledge compared to any fake news and rumour circulating on social media - Kyunki Sach Kareeb se Dikhta Hai.

Feature List:

City News: Divya Bhaskar brings to you news from over 300+ towns & cities to your phone. You will never miss out on what is happening around you or in your hometown. You will get real-time updates on all kinds of local news - crime, accidents, water shortage, electricity cuts, road construction, traffic jams, etc.

Video News: Get all the updates about Local (City & Town), National, Global, Business, Sports, Health, Lifestyle, Tech & Auto in your preferred video formats. Watch all the latest news through short videos. You can share news videos with friends & family.

ePaper: Read the latest Gujarati News ePaper from your city. Get access to 200+ ePapers editions all from till a year back. Download the ePaper & read it anytime you want.

DvB Originals: Get the best of investigative journalism and in-depth analysis of news with DvB Originals. Don’t just know the news but also understand the impact of it on you.

Politics: Stay updated with all the latest news about politics and elections from across the country. Get access to everything said by all the leading politicians from Narendra Modi to Rahul Gandhi. Be informed about all the policies & promises of leading political parties like the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP), Indian National Congress (INC), TMC, BSP, SP, etc.

Accidents & Crimes: Get all the news & keep your loved ones informed about what is happening in the country & in your locality. Divya Bhaskar reports to you all this news as soon as it breaks.

Business: Get all the updates from the Business world with coverage of Share Market, SENSEX, BSE, NSE, NIFTY, Trading News, IPO, Gold Rate, Today’s Dollar Rate, Today’s Rupee Rate, Startups, SMEs, etc.

Sports: We bring to you all the latest sports updates, live cricket scores. Stay up to date with what your favorite athletes like Virat Kohli, M.S Dhoni are up to.

Bollywood: Stay updated with all the latest Bollywood gossips, rumors & reviews. Always remain on top of all the trends, see what your favorite stars like Salman, Shahrukh, Priyanka, Deepika & Akshay are doing.

Rashifal: Get daily astrology & horoscope updates about Lovelife, career, health, wealth & more from well-known experts like Bejan Daruwalla, get Tarot card updates from Sheela M. Bajaj & know all about your numerology from Dr. Kumar Ganesh.

Realtime, Fast Notifications: Get the latest news notifications & breaking news alerts.

No Fake News: Stay away from all the rumors circulating on Whatsapp. We give you the truth behind all the fake news

Quiz: Play the daily quiz on the app and stand a chance to win cash prizes

Download the Divya Bhaskar App now and get real-time updates from your city

What's New

- Lok Sabha Constituency on a Map - Explore all 543 Lok Sabha seats through an interactive map with just a tap! Get candidate info, news, & past election results.
- In-App Surveys - Join the nation's largest election in-app survey, voice your opinion, and shape the future of democracy.
- New Exclusive Election Series - Follow India's PM Series, Faisla Series, Party aur Parivaar, Big & Exclusive Interviews, Ummeedwaron se Sawaal & many more.
- A new Cricket Scorecard comes to your home page.

More Information

Updated on
Apr 23, 2024
10,000,000+ downloads
Offered by
Dainik Bhaskar Group
Released on
Jan 7, 2014


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